- Air Sampling Pumps
- Calibration Equipment
- Servicing and Calibration
- Sampling Heads
- Sorbent Tubes
- Passive Samplers
- Particulate Monitors
- Filters and Cassettes
- Gas Sample Bags
- Air Sampling Kits
- Gastec Detection Tubes
- Face Level Sampling
- Surface & Skin Sampling
- Asbestos Sampling
- Bioaerosol Sampling
- Environmental Sampling
- Heat Stress Monitor
- Noise Monitoring
- Vibration Monitoring
DataTrac Software for AirChek 3000 and Leland Legacy Pumps
The DataTrac® PC Software can be used with the AirChek 3000 pump and Leland Legacy pump, and enables:
- The pump to be operated from the PC
- Pump parameters to be set (useful if a number of pumps need setting to the same configuration)
- Pump operation to be tested and monitored
- Pump programmed for single or multiple runs
- The pump sampling data to be downloaded for complete documentation of sampling history to create worker exposure profiles
- Calibration information to be documented when used in conjunction with a CalChek-enabled pump

DataTrac® is supplied on USB stick with a USB interface adaptor cable for the relevant pump or can be downloaded for the relevant pump.
Simply set the pump flow rate by clicking on a preset flow and adjusting if necessary.
Shows in real time the parameters and data about the pump. The pump can also be controlled to test its operation.
Simple graphical method to set up sample run times.
Enables important background data about the sample to be collected for documenting purposes.
Pump history includes records of all pump operations performed such as pump mode (running, holding, and faults), flow rate, start and stop dates of sample runs, run time, and volume.
The SKC AirChek 3000 and Leland Legacy pumps store both calibration and sampling data. DataTrac® combines calibration data and pump sampling history to produce printable reports that can be used as documentation for ISO9000, quality programmes and occupational health and safety management systems.
Using DataTrac's advanced information retrieval system, create a sampling record with worker information, sampling data, and downloaded pump history information that can be printed or saved to a file.
Description | Part Number |
DataTrac® Interface and Software Kit for AirChek 3000 Pump | 877-91K |
DataTrac® Software USB Stick for AirChek 3000 Pump | P87791D |
Description | Part Number |
DataTrac® Interface and Software Kit for Leland Legacy Pump | 877-92K |
DataTrac® Software USB Stick for Leland Legacy Pump | P87792D |
Please click on the download link relevant to your SKC pump.
DataTrac for AirChek 3000 Pump
DataTrac for the Leland Legacy Pump
After the file is downloaded, click your Browser Back button to return to this page.
Open the zip file and run the .exe file. When installation is complete, run DataTrac to ensure that it works. A copy of the operating instructions in PDF format is included in the download but also available for download: