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Particulate Sampler Selection Guide

Use this convenient guide to help you select sampling devices (impactors, samplers, cyclones, etc) to meet your applications.

Particle Size-selective Sampling:

  • Inhalable (100 μm 50% cut-point) - hazardous when deposited anywhere in the respiratory tract.
  • Thoracic (10 μm 50% cut-point) - hazardous when deposited anywhere in the lung airways and the gas exchange regions.
  • Respirable (3.5/4 μm 50% cut-point) - hazardous when deposited in the gas exchange regions of the lungs.
  • PM2.5 and PM10 sampling according to EPA regulation determines compliance with ambient air quality standards and reveals information on particle sources and their effect on the environment and public health.
Diagram showing the different areas of the lungs, referred to in air sampling as inhalable, thoracic and respirable
Flow Rate
<1.0 µm Sub-micron 1.7 or 2 DPM CycloneDiesel Particulate Matter (DPM) Cyclone Ideal for Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) and nano-particles
0.25 µm to >2.5 µm Ultrafine, Fine and >PM2.5 9 Sioutas Cascade
ImpactorSioutas Personal Cascade Impactor
Samples coarse, fine and ultrafine particles simulatanesously
2.5 µm PM2.5 2 PEMPersonal Environmental Monitor (PEM) Referenced in EPA IP-10A
3 PMIPersonal Modular Impactor (PMI) High collection efficiency
4 PEMPersonal Environmental Monitor (PEM) Referenced in EPA IP-10A
10 IMPACT Impact Sampler High flow for increased sensitivity
10 PEMPersonal Environmental Monitor (PEM) Referenced in EPA IP-10A
3.5 µm Respirable 3 GS-1 CycloneGS-1 Respirable Dust Cyclone Conductive plastic
4.0 µm Respirable 2 IOM*IOM Sampler *Respirable sampler when used with respirable foam insert.
2 PPIParallel Particle Impactor (PPI) Closest match to ISO/CEN curve
2.5 Aluminium
CycloneAluminium Cyclone
Specified in NIOSH 7500 and 0600
2.75 GS-3 Cyclone GS-3 Respirable Dust Cyclone Conductive plastic
3 Plastic CyclonePlastic Cyclone for Respirable Dust Conductive plastic
4 and 8 PPIParallel Particle Impactor (PPI), referenced in MDHS 14/4 Referenced in MDHS 14/4
10 µm Thoracic or PM10 2 PPIParallel Particle Impactor (PPI) Cloest match to ISO/CEN curve
2 PEMPersonal Environmental Monitor (PEM) Referenced in EPA IP-10A
3 PMIPersonal Modular Impactor (PMI) High collection efficiency
4 PEMPersonal Environmental Monitor (PEM) Referenced in EPA IP-10A
10 PEMPersonal Environmental Monitor (PEM) Referenced in EPA IP-10A
10 IMPACTImpact Sampler High flow for increased sensitivity
100 µm Inhalable 0.75 Mini SamplerMini Sampler for sampling under welding helmets and masks For sampling within the breathing zone, particularly behind protective face shields, such as masks and helmets
1 IFV ProIFV Pro Sampler Simultaneous sampling of mixed phase (aerosol and vapour)
2 IOMIOM Sampler Preferred method for MDHS 14/4
Meets ACGIH sampling criteria for inhalable dust
4 ButtonButton Sampler Low level Particulate Matter (PM) sampling
>2.5 µm to <10 µm PM Coarse 3 PMIPersonal Modular Impactor (PMI) High collection efficiency
10 IMPACTImpact Sampler High flow for increased sensitivity